Der Drallauslass Dalap AM und AMS (Wirbel-Anemostat) wird eingesetzt, um Luftströmungen in Räumen effektiv zu mischen. Die Zu- oder Abluft wird dabei geräuscharm durch die Box geführt und eine gleichmäßige und zugfreie Lüftung erreicht.
Dralldurchlass für Plenum Box
Produktname | Model | EAN | Verfügbarkeit | Preis ohne MWSt. | Preis mit MWSt. | In den Warenkorb |
Decorative items for supply and exhaust vents of large public, residential and industrial ventilations systems with high thermal burdens. Anemostats are used for regulation of airflow and pressure in rooms. They help to ensure adequate conditions for optimum ventilation. Installation is directly to ceilings, low or suspended ceilings at heights from 2,5 to 4 m. For connection to the SPIROVENT system, the plenum box is normally used (as a connection box), which is then covered by the anemostat and installed in the low or suspended ceiling. This connection allows higher air flows.
Squared anemostats are made of galvanized sheet steel with a white coating. The number indicates how many slots the anemostat has. Screw-mounted to wall or ceiling. The anemostats are white in colour.
Dalap M 6x80 DIN 965-4,8 ZB - Schraube, dient zum Befestign von Dralldurchlässen für Plenum Box.
CUSTOMS CODE: 73269098